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Learning through practical exposure

Providing pragmatic orientation on agriculture and allied sectors through various field-based learning exposure is the key focus of the CSFD's youth training program.

Learning through practical exposure2020-05-06T10:13:17+00:00

Youth participation and ideas sharing session

Good to see the involvement of youth during the group activities conducted as a part of their training program. The young boys and girls shared their ideas on agribusiness. 

Youth participation and ideas sharing session2020-05-06T10:13:45+00:00

Youth training valedictory session at PJTSAU

A youth training program on agriculture and allied sector was concluded on 29th February at PJTSAU. The young boys and girls reflected how this training has strengthened their knowledge of agriculture and allied fields and now they are motivated to implement the learnings into practices with great zest.

Youth training valedictory session at PJTSAU2020-05-06T10:12:33+00:00

CSFD Facilitates Rural Youth to Pursue Agriculture as a Profitable Profession

~Training program for rural youth of Sangareddy district during 24-29 Feb 2020~ Hyderabad, 21st February 2020: Cornell Sathguru Foundation for Development extensively works towards improving agricultural productivity of small and marginal farmers’ in villages of Telangana and thereby enhancing their socio-economic conditions. As part of our initiatives to retain youth in agriculture, CSFD with technical

CSFD Facilitates Rural Youth to Pursue Agriculture as a Profitable Profession2020-02-26T05:15:39+00:00

Improving agricultural production of small and marginal farmers paniyal medak dist telangana

Cornell Sathguru Foundation for Development has undertaken a project to help improve agriculture production of small and marginal farmers by installing solar fencing in the village of paniyal, Medak.  This project is aimed towards improving the agricultural production of these farmers by addressing the most critical problem faced by them i.e the Animal menace. The

Improving agricultural production of small and marginal farmers paniyal medak dist telangana2020-02-25T09:05:38+00:00

Farmer Capacity Building

CSFD aims to empower farmers through capacity building. Many of the programs at CSFD are designed to improve the capacities of the farmers, address grass-root problems and enhance their knowledge base of various high end technologies to solve the modern day problems in agriculture and food security. CSFD undertakes International & National training, Capacity Building workshops

Farmer Capacity Building2020-02-25T09:09:48+00:00

Gene Editing the Brave New World

Gene Editing & the Brave new World: In November 2018, a Chinese Scientist Hi Jiankul shocked.the.world.with his claim of producing the first babies genetically edited with CRISPR technology. CRISPR is a tool that helps scientists suppress specific genes that express in plants, animals.and humans and delete undesirable traits. The Chinese expt has raised the hackles

Gene Editing the Brave New World2020-02-25T06:40:57+00:00


CSFD strongly believes accentuating social development using latest high-end technology. In the current projets that is being undertaken, CSFD is adopting technologies like satellite imagery, IOT, digitalizing of farmers’ database etc., to enable data driven decision making possible among the rural farming communities. The target farmers will be introduced to an ICT application called as



Cornell Sathguru Foundation for Development (CSFD) supported by Aurobindo Pharma Foundation and intechnical partnership with Prof. Jayashankar Telangana State Agriculture University (PJTSAU) is implementing aproject in the villages of Paniyal and Badampet in Hathnoora Mandal of Sangareddy district Telangana state. Toactualize the objective we have targeted to train the farmers of Panyal and Badampet for
