Key Focus Areas
Human Resource Development – Retaining Youth in Agriculture
With a fast-expanding food processing industry, Agri sector, corporate, financial institutes, NGOs, unorganized sector, self-employment, and others in India, it is highly important to ensure that the human capital, as an input, needs to be constantly upgraded to suit the needs. Persons with the highest skill sets are important as key players to achieve Sustainable Development Goals. The agricultural sector is one such component of the economy which demands.
Doubling Farmer Income
High agricultural production enhanced annual income and has a positive impact on access to the food supply in the domestic market which contributes to agricultural sustainability by improving agricultural practice.Yet due to several barriers such as lack of training to farmers, interaction among different agricultural departments, adequate access to knowledge & information in areas of new agriculture technology, early warning systems for drought pest disease, improved seeds, fertilizers, market prices,etc are hampering the income and innovation among the farmers.
Promoting Gender Equality, Health and Nutrition
Improving nutrition security for communities has a significant impact on health. Healthy populations are a foundation for sustainable social, economic and environmental development. Vulnerable populations, such as smallholder farmers, the landless, women, children, youth and the unemployed are particularly at risk of food and nutrition insecurity. Focussed interventions on improving food security, food diversification and thereby promoting alternative health and livelihoods are imperative.